springs of desire . stat format . stat collection
Calculating Foal Stats
Stats are based on an eight sided die.
Conception rates change depending on the season.
Foal Colour calculators and the 8 sided Die can be found on the resources page.
This format is subject to change at any time.
Conception / Live Birth
1, 3, 5, 6, 7 – Successful
2, 8 – Unsuccessful
4 – Stillborn
2, 3, 4, 8 – Successful
1, 5, 7 – Unsuccessful
6 - Stillborn
1,5,7 – Successful
2, 3, 6 – Unsuccessful
4, 8 - Stillborn
6 – Successful
1, 2, 4, 7 – Unsuccessful
3, 5, 8 - Stillborn
Double Trouble?
Twins and triplets are truly special and rare so the there are two rolls to determine the number of foals.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Do not roll for twins!
1, 8 - Twin roll!
If the statter rolls the numbers 1 or 8, the players will have the option of rolling for twins (or even triplets!)
If they choose not to roll for twins/triplets, mother and foal will be completely healthy instead. (Includes no defect roll)
1, 3, 4, 5 - No twins
2, 6, 7 - Twins!
8 - Triplets!
If Twins
2, 4, 6, 8 - Identical Twins (same gender, identical markings/colours)
1, 3, 5, 7 - Fraternal Twins (not identical, different genders/markings)
1 - Both Healthy.
4 - Both sickly, extremely weak.
2 - One healthy, one weak.
5, 8 - One sickly, one stillborn.
3, 7 - Both born dead.
If Triplets
1, 4 - All Identical. (o-o)
3, 5 - Two Identical, one fraternal.
2, 6, 7, 8 - All fraternal.
1, 3, 4 - One sickly, two stillborn.
5, 6 - Two sickly, one stillborn.
2, 8 - All stillborn.
7 - All survive but extremely weak. Risk of death to mare.
Due Date
The due date should be 4 weeks from the date that the mare/stallion was posted.
This is subject to change.
The foal statter should do a 50/50 roll (odds/evens) to determine whether the foal will be a colt or a filly.
Genetics / Colour
Input parental genetics into a foal coat colour calculator, if you have more than eight results, roll the dice again for every multiple of eight in the number of results. Add dice rolls together and give the coat with that number. If there is less than eight possible coat colours, roll the dice once or do 50/50.
Once this is done, the Statter must include the genetic combination as well as the actual coat name of the foal. If a statter is unsure of what the genotype (genes) reveal, please ask a moderator.
Personalities / Descriptions
This should be left up to the player of the foal, unless the players request that a personality and/or a description to be done. The personality can be random but the description should be relevant to the description given for the parents. The foal may lean towards looking like their sire or their dam or somewhere in-between.
Marking Inheritance
This includes markings that do not have any known genetic inheritance such as Brindle and Birdcatcher Spots. This does not include markings that are the result of injury, these markings cannot be passed down.
If one parent has a non-genetic or unnatural markings/coat, the statter should do a 50/50 roll (odds/evens) to determine whether or not the foal inherits the marking/coat. This should be done for every non-genetic and unnatural marking that the sire or dam has listed.
Attribute Inheritance
This includes physical attributes that a attached to either the sire or the dam, this could be things like wings, scales or unnatural eyes. This does not include add-ons like braids and necklaces, these belong to the parent cannot be passed down.
If one parent has a physical attribute listed, the statter should do a 50/50 roll (odds/evens) to determine whether or not the foal inherits the attribute. This should be done for every attribute that the sire or dam has listed.
Magic Inheritance
This includes powers, gifts and curses unless specified that the power cannot be passed down to foals (or it obviously cannot be passed down to foals.)
Foal statters should do a 50/50 roll (odds/evens) to determine whether or not the foal inherits the power. This should be done for any inheritable gift/curses that either parent has. The statter is trusted to make the power(s) fair and not all-powerful.
All gifts/curses given should have relevance to the parents or grandparents powers and must contain a defect/limit of some kind.
Defect Roll
This refers to any physical and mental defects a foal may gain and live with for the rest of its life, these can range from blindness or a short life span to schizophrenia.
3 – Foal gains a physical defect.
6 – Foal gains a mental defect.
1,2,4,5,7,8 – Foal is completely healthy.
Mother / Foal Health
Decided by the statter, they may do a roll if they wish, however Statters must pay attention to birthing/foal conditions that are set every month.
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