general rules . fantasy elements . territories . breeding/battling . stealing/escaping . faq/resources
01. Characters (male and female) must be at least four years old to breed.
02. Gestation lasts a period of 4 weeks for a healthy foal. Unhealthy foals may be born earlier.
03. Breeding occurs in all seasons, though seasons have an effect on survival rate and conception rates.
04. If a foal is born in Spring or Summer, it is less likely to die than if it is born in the Autumn or Winter.
05. Stillborn foals cannot be revived in any way.
06. Mares can breed once every two months, unless conception was unsuccessful, whereas they may try again in 1 week. Stallions can breed as often as they like.
01. Stallions are allowed to challenge for mares and herds. Herd-owning mares may challenge for other mares. Herd mares may challenge for their freedom and/or the freedom of her foal(s).
02. Any challenges made to a character whose player is posted away will be void. a) Any challenges must first be posted in chosen territory in order to be valid.
03. Herd-owning horses may only be challenged for their territory once every two weeks, and may only be challenged for one of their mares once a week. However, the same character cannot challenge the same stallion/mare more than twice a month for any reason. A stallion can be challenged for both mares and land at the same time.
04. Challenges must be initially responded to within 4 days, or automatically forfeit. After that, in-character replies to the fight must be made within seven days (or within a time limit previously agreed upon by the players) from their opponent's last in-character post.
05. There are two types of battle: stats and roleplay. You may only have two stats battles per real life month, but as many roleplay battles as you like.
06. Posting away during battles will no longer suspend the battle, the time out will continue until it has run out. (unless both players agree to a time suspension)
07. Not posting for more than two weeks also applies if you are away for longer than two weeks and own a territory. You are subject to losing your territory and are able to be challenged by other members after two weeks of inactivity.
08. You cannot send another character to fight in place of a challenged horse; the defender must fight or forfeit. Within a co-owned territory, if a challenge is made specifically to one leader, the other may not step in and accept the challenge for them. However, if a challenge is made to either, then either may respond.
09. If a mare is won in a challenge, any foals under the age of one year will go with her. This same rule applies to if she wins her freedom through a battle.
10. A stallion who owns territory may challenge a territory-owning mare for her own freedom; if he wins, she joins his herd, and her territory will either be given to her heir, or made open for claim.
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