general rules . fantasy elements . territories . breeding/battling . stealing/escaping . faq/resources
Territories are located on the mountain path. There are a total of four territories right now but natural disasters such as landslides and wildfires can cause the number of territories to decrease or increase.
01. Characters must be at least four years old (male and female) in order to fight for or inherit a territory.
02. If a herd is taken over by a new leader that it unrelated to the old leader, all mares in the herd are given the option to leave.
03. If a herd is taken over by a new leader that is related to the old leader or designated heir, all mares in the herd must stay, unless given the option to leave.
04. Characters may only own one territory at a time. If they win or inherit another land, they are free to give it away to a family member, move into it and release their old land, or leave the new land up for claiming.
How To Own One
01. Win a challenge. Mares and stallions can challenge other territory leaders for their territory.
02. Territory leaders may only be challenged for their territory twice per month.
03. Inherit it. If a herd leader dies and the heir is four years of age, the heir then inherits the territory.
04. If the herd leaders die and there is no heir but there is a ranked equine (Beta/Second-in-Command) they can choose to take over the territory.
05. If the herd leaders die and there is no heir or second-in-command, the territory becomes fair game to other characters.
06. If a herd leader is inactive without notice for more than two weeks, the territory can be claimed by another character.
07. Not posting for more than two weeks also applies if you are away for longer than two weeks and own a territory. You are subject to losing your territory and are able to be challenged by other members after two weeks of inactivity.
08. To claim a territory, you need to post in the territory with CLAIM in your subject with the character that you want to own the territory with and post in the Rivals' Summit with the claim in case someone would like to challenge it.
09. Claimers can be challenged for up to 3 days after making the claim. If the claim is challenged, the claimer must battle the challenger for possession of the territory.
The Benefits
01. Territories owners and ranked characters in territories get the option to claim mares from the meadow. Leaders can claim twice per week whereas ranked characters may only claim once per week.
02. When you claim a territory, you are granted a grace period of two weeks where you are unable to be challenged for your land or for mares.
03. Territory leaders and ranked characters gain the ability to steal mares, foals, and prisoners from other territories without having to reveal their name right away.
04. Can form alliances between territories.
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