general rules . fantasy elements . territories . breeding/battling . stealing/escaping . faq/resources
Who can steal?
01. Kings, Queens and anyone in a ranked position (Beta/Duke, etc) can steal from another territory.
02. Bachelor(ette) territories can also steal from territories and be stolen from.
03. Unranked/homeless stallions can steal mares from territories but cannot keep them and must release them.
04. Unranked/homeless mares can steal foals from other mares.
05. Characters must be listed inside a territory or must be active with clear reference to their name to be stolen.
What can be stolen?
01. Any mares, foals and prisoners (male and female) may be stolen from territories.
02. If a mare has a foal and she is stolen, the foal goes with her.
03. If the foal is over a year old, then it stays with the original herd.
How do I steal?
01. Territories can only be successfully stolen from once per month.
02. The steal must contain a riddle pertaining to who you’re stealing, which character you are stealing from, the character that is doing the stealing with and references to where the horse you are stealing is staying. Riddles could also containing references to coat colours, positions, or events. Riddles do not have to have all of these things but the bare minimum is who is stealing, who is being stolen and who you’re stealing from. Riddles can contain some foreign languages, coordinates, colours and hex codes but must be mostly in English.
03. Unranked and homeless characters that are trying to steal must post their name along with the riddle.
04. Steals last four full days. If the character that is being stolen from does not block correctly then the steal is successful. The character must reveal themselves and explain their riddle.
05. When blocking, the character must state who they believe is trying to steal from them and the character they are trying to steal.
06. If the steal is blocked successfully by the character being stolen from then the steal has failed. The character must reveal themselves but do not have to explain the riddle.
07. The character that is being stolen from gets three guesses for every five active characters that is inside their territory. (Does not include inactive characters)
08. If there are less than five characters in the territory, the character being stolen from only gets two guesses.
Who can escape?
01. Mares and prisoners can attempt to escape from Kings, Queens and ranked characters (Dukes/Betas,etc).
02. Mares and stallions can also escape from bachelor(ette) territories but these areas are not usually repressive.
03. Stolen foals can try to escape back to their mothers/original herds.
How do I escape?
01. The escapee must post a riddle pertaining to who they're escaping from, where they're escaping from and their names. They can also include other (slightly misleading) information in the steal to throw off the blocker. Riddles can contain some foreign languages, coordinates, colours and hex codes but must be mostly in English.
02. If the riddle remains unsolved for more than four full days, the character is free and must reveal themselves on the fifth day. They should also explain the answers behind their riddle.
03. If the blocker uses up all of their guesses and they're all incorrect, the character is automatically free and must reveal themselves and explain their riddle.
04. If the blocker guesses correctly, the escape is unsuccessful and the character must reveal themselves but do not have to explain the riddle.
05. Other leaders/ranked equines can not steal an escaping character.
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