general rules . fantasy elements . territories . breeding/battling . stealing/escaping . faq/resources
01. Be polite and respectful to other players. This is not a request.
02. Please keep swearing to a minimum and content at PG-13. If you wish to write something that is over PG-13, please put a mature (M/18+) warning in the title of your post.
03. Not following the rules and/or causing trouble around the site will result in a warning and, depending on the severity of the offense, could lead to a temporary or permanent site wide ban.
04. Please post accordingly with the season and weather, which can be found on the homepage.
05. Remember to close your < HTML > tags.
06. If you have a problem with another player, please message a moderator privately and the situation will be dealt with.
07. Beyond the Mountains does not accept responsibility for any links that lead to unrelated sites' content, whether posted by members or by advertisements. Beyond the Mountains does not accept responsibility for player actions or messages off-site.
09. If you have a question, please refer to the FAQ and other rule sections before asking on the Mod Box; your question may already have an answer.
10. If you see a rule that has been broken, please inform a moderator, referring to the exact post/rule broken and (if possible) a link or screenshot.
11. Images and HTML used in posts
must be your own and properly credited. You must have proof to show that you are allowed to use said image or HTML otherwise your image/HTML will be removed from your post. If you continue to use the image/HTML you are breaking copyright law and you will be removed from the site. This is your only warning.
01. Characters cannot share the same name with another character unless the original user gives permission or the name in question was posted very little and the player has not been on Beyond in months.
02. When naming a new character (joined/born), please make sure to check the Names board. It is
your responsibility to keep track of your own names there.
03. Characters can not be claimed on the joining board.
04. Joining forms must be completely filled out to be accepted.
05. All characters require genetics to be added to their stats. If you are unsure on this subject, please ask one of our members or a moderator for help.
06. There is no limit on the amount of characters you can have, but please no more than you can handle.
07. For more information on joining with powers/attributes/other, see the
fantasy element section of the rules.
08. Once joined, you cannot edit your character in any way without moderator permission. (Does not apply to History or Personality)
01. All in-character posts must be 100 words in length at minimum.
02. Absolutely no powerplaying (controlling another characters actions/reactions)
03. Characters must be aged with the seasons as closely as possible. Some exceptions can be made with moderator approval.
04. Characters must be joined (and accepted!) or born before they can be played.
05. Beyond the Mountains operates on liquid time, you may post your character in several different places at the same time if you wish.
06. Characters are not all-knowing. They will not know of an event in another territory if they were not present or told by another character. Please remember that.
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